Friday, September 13, 2013

Filipino Truthers

Credit: Crisostomo Ibarra Facebook page
So I saw this image shared by a friend wherein some lady named Hazel Calandria took a screenshot of a local news program and added text insinuating that the media is lying, complete with jeering remarks about how the body armor and helmet of the reporter are extra props to sensationalize the report.

Honestly, I don't get it. Is she expecting reporters to venture to within a yard of where the rebels are and deliver a whole news segment and risk one, getting in the line of fire, two, obstructing military operations, and three, put himself within distance of being abducted and added to the hostage list?

Surely there aren't any lies being foisted on the viewers because if one had bothered to view the full news segment (I did), one would've seen video footage taken during the day of the reporter and cameraman moving along with some army men while shots are being fired during the day.